The first woman pilot over Annapurna and flight to altitude of 30,000 feet
(4 pictures resolution 1760x1168 pixels, text, file 1,6 MB) |
Celebration of Bada Dashain
(4 pictures resolution 1760x1168 pixels, text, file 2,2 MB) |
Flight over Annapurna I
(9 pictures resolution 1760x1168 pixels, file 2,2 MB, pictures Annah002 - Annah010) |
Flight over Annapurna I (map)
(grafical map of track flown, resolution 1708x2852 pixels, file 2,5 MB) |
Expedition Embleme
(expedition emblema, resolution 949x937 pixels, file 0,9 MB) |
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Written by Patrik Sainer, translation
by Alesh Houdek
Annapurna High 2000 Expedition, e-mail: annapurnahigh@hotmail.com
Web design: (c)2000 Avion, Patrik Sainer, webmaster: patrik@avion.vztlak.cz |