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Annapurna High 2000
Czech Ultralight Expedition

ultralight flight over the 8,091 meter high Annapurna peak

High-Resolution Pictures

*** Photographs by Patrik Sainer except where noted otherwise.
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The first woman pilot over Annapurna and flight to altitude of 30,000 feet

(4 pictures resolution 1760x1168 pixels, text, file 1,6 MB)

Celebration of Bada Dashain
(4 pictures resolution 1760x1168 pixels, text, file 2,2 MB)

Flight over Annapurna I
(9 pictures resolution 1760x1168 pixels, file 2,2 MB, pictures Annah002 - Annah010)

Flight over Annapurna I (map)
(grafical map of track flown, resolution 1708x2852 pixels, file 2,5 MB)

Expedition Embleme
(expedition emblema, resolution 949x937 pixels, file 0,9 MB)

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Written by Patrik Sainer, translation by Alesh Houdek
Annapurna High 2000 Expedition, e-mail: annapurnahigh@hotmail.com
Web design: (c)2000 Avion, Patrik Sainer, webmaster: patrik@avion.vztlak.cz