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Excalibur Alumni Member
Přemek Brada

Personal and Contact Information

Field: Software Engineering
Position: University Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
University of West Bohemia
Univerzitni 8
30614 Plzeň
Czech Republic
Phone: +420-19-7491182,7491212 (work)
Email: brada@kiv.zcu.cz
WWW: http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/~brada/

Short Curriculum

Mr. Přemek Brada works as lecturer of Software Engineering at the Department of Computer Science of the University of West Bohemia, Plzeň (Pilsen). In addition to lecturing, he leads seminars in other subjects, among them hands-on experience with Internet technology. His other responsibilities include maintaining the departmental WWW server.

Presently, Mr. Brada is also studying for his PhD at the Charles University, Prague, under supervision of Dr. Franti±ek Plá±il. The main areas of research interest are object technology combined with Internet applictions and the use of frameworks.

Mr. Brada was Excalibur scholar in 1994/95, the second year of the Scholarship. He spent his year at Sheffield University where he was awarded the degree of Master of Science (with Distinction) in Advanced Software Engineering. The work on his Master Thesis was conducted at EASAMS Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, a subsudiary of his sponsor GEC-Marconi.

The main hobbies of Přemek Brada are photography and hiking; his most recent success is a photo of a leading Czech blues singer Jan Spálený published in the regional newspaper. He is also an active member of the Roman Catholic church.

Education, awards and memberships: