config185addon.txt Operation*Flashpoint - Copyright (c) 2001-2002, BIS & CM unofficial.config185addon.cpp by 'a-lone-wolf' Decoded O*F:Resistance ver.1.85 configuration files 'config.bin' from new ('KOLO.PBO', 'MINI.PBO', 'O_WP.PBO') & updated ('BIZON.PBO', 'MM-1.PBO', 'VULCAN.PBO') AddOns Includes (in alphabetical order) new ones: config185kolo.cpp config185mini.cpp config185o_wp.cpp Includes (in alphabetical order) updated (minor changes only) ones: config185bizon.cpp config185mm-1.cpp config185vulcan.cpp Warning: Keep out of reach of children ! NO warranties. NOT fully tested. Use at your OWN risk.