Some of the Beautiful Scenery In & Around Cavus

beach 1.jpg (125232 bytes) Scenery 2.jpg (415170 bytes) Antiphelos view.JPG (144044 bytes)
Sunset at geneviz.JPG (64894 bytes) Phaselis beach.JPG (321853 bytes) Tavukler + portakallar.JPG (733886 bytes)
Koynak beach copy.JPG (145596 bytes) koynak islands copy.JPG (89209 bytes) Sunrise.JPG (110603 bytes)

The area around Cavus is in our opinion some of the most breathtaking in Turkey. The coast road from Cavus offers spectacular views over a multitude of bays and inlets. As you progress part Finike and toward Kas, the road heads inland into the Taurus mountains and valleys. The drive to Kas takes about two hours in one go but that is an incredible waste of opportunity. You will pass ancient rock tombs, The church of St. Nicholas (The Real Santa Claus), the sunken city of Kekova and the Island fortress town of Simena.  There are also plenty of places to stop for a drink. Try the cafe on the left as you leave Finike at the top of the cliffs overlooking the sea!