Why to buy the beagle with Pedigree (PP) ?

Even if you donīt want to take part a shows, you certainly want to have really healthy nice beagle with pleasant and cheerful temper.It could happen that you buy a puppy without PP looks like beagle and it grows up into something strange and in the worst case with aggressive temper.

Does it seem that puppies without PP are cheapper ? Did you think why is it so? I will write a few points what you should know before purchase. It is your decision what you will prefer and what kind of risk you would accept.

PP guarantees that real beagle will grow up from your puppy - why?

Because both parents have PP, they have statements from the shows and passed working hunting certificate .If some heavy exterier īs or temper defect īs would appear, a dog is disabled from registered breed and spreading to next generation is stopped.

Every parents connection is confirmed by breed adviser due to exclusion of parents close relationship which is reason of many offspring defects and diseases. It is the same like the people.

PP receive all puppies from the litter including puppies with some defects.

Never believe to breeder who offers you a puppy as more over and due to without PP

It īs appear sometimes some defect like bad bite, incomplete dentition and so on. These puppies are complete healthy,but there are not suitable for registered breed. Although they receive PP their price could be much lower .

Puppies of course are vaccinated and dewarmed

If the puppies would be healthy in a future and would prosper well so it īs very important to také the best care about them from the youngest age Puppies are hand over to new owner 2 – 3 times vaccinated ans dewarmed


It īs proved, that puppies feeded by quality food prosper better and suffer much less of health problems. It means specially various food alergy, bad joint and bone developement, lower immunity, diarrhea and so on. That is why is better to feed them with dry food without pigments, flavours, chemical preservations and high digestible. Itīs more expensive but it will return for sure to us in the health of our dogs.


Every puppy with PP is tattooed or chiped. This mark will helps with identification in case when your dog is lost.


Will ensure all this „ the breeder“ who sells puppies without PP ?

Will he mated his female by male living far away from his home or will he mated with male living as near as possible regardless of consequences? How will you make sure that your puppy has suitable parents and would receive proper medical care? Are you sure, that puppy will grow up into healthy, cheerful and good looking beagle?
The puppy with PP is more expensive because you had to pay mating, vaccination, dewormation, tattooing, PP and Beagleclub membership. Would be better to pay more and to be sure. If you buy a dog your family budget will increase. Do you calculate with it ?
There is one thing that could sometime happened: Although you donīt think about visiting the dog shows, it could happened that your dog will be really beautiful and would recommanded to you to entry any dog show. How you will be disapointed when you will find out that without PP you canīt show him.You canīt receive PP additionally.