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My name is Simon Gill. I come from the UK, or rather I used to. I came to what was then Czechoslovakia in 1989 and have been here ever since. At first I lived in Banská Bystrica, in Central Slovakia, and it was while I was there that the so-called Velvet Revolution took place. In 1992 I moved to Bratislava, where I stayed for four years. Now I live on the other side of the River Morava, in Olomouc. I teach at the university there. I plan to complete the process of going native by moving to a house in a village quite soon. It's a real Czech village, with a couple of pubs and a bunch of houses and not much else. I dream of spending my days sitting at home reading, experimenting with the manufacture of slivovice and various sausages, perfecting my recipe for a truly excellent goulash, and subsidising myself in doing this by doing occasional bits of lucrative work via the Internet. I will only come out of the house to walk the dog and visit the pub. I shall, of course, purchase a zmijovka for these occasions.

The dog looks a lot like the one above, which I found here. However, the picture is incapable of capturing my Sigmundek's often fearsome smrad and his exceedingly wild personality. The zmijovka, too, needs to be imagined.

The menage, or menagerie, also includes my good lady wife, Pani Nora, and my adoptive children, Alice and Simon Jr. Here is an idealised picture of a family who might be a bit like us, 'borrowed' from here:

To find out more about me and my interests I suggest you visit my website

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