Hübners Home Page


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it`s me

My name is Reinhard and I`m fiftyeight. No mather about my age I decided to experience with somethig new it meens these web pages. I am a living example of an inhabitant of Euroregion Nisa: born in Poland, my nationality is german and I am living i the Czech Republik. I am speaking czech, german, polish and because the world is small then also english. About russian I prefer to be silent, but once I spoke it very well. My childhood I spend at Slavetin on the hangs of Goat`s back (see maps), my school days at Trutnov, the adolescent age on a technical school at Jicin and for live important highschool studies I finished on the technical university TU at Liberec. There I became familiar with my wife Barbara (by the way a polish girl) from the near town Walbrzych. So I started my learning of polish usages and towns, especially Jelenia Gora , Warsaw and the Mazura`s see region. In the end I settled down at a small village under the mountain Cerna studnice near Jablonec nad Nisou, where I find also a job for my whole life (with a short six years long drop in to Prague).

Thanks this migratory life style I have warm relations to these regions up to the present day. There are especially memories of Krkonose, Jicin and Prachovske skaly and Jizerske hory. I offer here some links to presentations smaller towns which have todays its own Web pages and are interesting for its surrounded nature and sightseeings at all. For example the nearest towns Paseky, Tanvald, Smrzovka, Harrachov, Szklarska Poreba, Zittau or Bautzen.

As the Hübners family we meet us irregulary on meetings. Some photos from these meetings I present here also. I am hereby asking my dear kindreds to send me some their photos from these meetings if they agree to show the photos here on these pages.

this are two of our dogs it`s my PC nook

About my hobbies I am interesting in electronics and computers (but it is not the job, which earn one`s living), as regards sport I like of course skiing and in summer to ride on bicycle. Otherwise I am a do it self maker what is for a home very usefull. In the house there are live with us also my brother and a lot of dogs and cats.



This page was last updated at March 28th 2001

Please send me a email
