Jana Dvořáková

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Sorry, not present at the moment, trying to catch up with my work :-).

While waiting for me to return to my webpage, you can read about various ssorts and activities some of which are my favourite.

A recent medical association report claims that "proper weight control and  \par 
physical fitness can not be attained by diet alone. Many people who are\par 
engaged in sedentary occupations do not realize that calories can be\par 
burned by the hundreds by engaging in strenuous activities that do not\par 
require physical exercise."\par 
Here is a guide to calorie-burning activities that can be conducted\par 
right at your desk, as well as the number of calories per hour they\par 
            ACTIVITY                            CALORIES CONSUMED\par 
            Beating around the bush.................60\par 
             Jumping to conclusions..................75\par 
            Climbing the walls.....................150\par 
	    Swallowing your pride...................20\par 
	   Passing the buck........................50\par 
              Throwing your weight around............100 to 400\par 
            Pushing your luck......................100\par 
	     Making mountains out of mole hills.....600\par 
	  Wading through paperwork...............100\par 
	    Juggling deadlines.....................120\par 
	   Balancing the books.....................60\par 
	     Running in circles.....................250\par 
	   Bending over backwards..................50\par 
              Opening a can of worms.................100\par 
            Tooting your own horn..................100\par 
	     Re-inventing the wheel.................150\par 

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