org 256 ;mov ax,03h ;int 10h ;mov cx,129 mov ch,1 ; cyklus probehne 01xxh krat - tzn 256-512x [511x PC] init mov al,cl call cell loop init mov ax,3509h int 21h push es push bx mov ah,25h mov dx,serv int 21h stay mov cx,0 loop stay pop dx pop ds int 21h cell cld and al,7fh push cx mov cx,0b800h push es mov es,cx mov cx,0a04h push di mov di,ax mul ch xchg ax,di hexa rol al,cl push ax and al,0fh add al,90h daa adc al,40h daa stosw pop ax shr ch,1 jnc hexa mov ax,3000h+'h' stosw mov al,' ' stosw stosw pop di pop es pop cx ret serv push ax in al,60h mov [cs:stay+1],al ;mov ah,1fh ;test al,80h ;jz down ;mov ah,31h cbw and ah,00101110b xor ah,00011111b down call cell ;mov al,20h out 20h,al pop ax iret