AQUASTERILâ Water disinfection Kits
AQUASTERIL® Kits consist of two agents, containing a disinfection agent A and a dechlorinating agent B.The Kits differ in packing of chemical agents, designed to treat a particular maximum volume of water in a single operation process.
AQUASTERIL® Kits are used to disinfect water. In the preparation of microbially safe water using the Kits, microorganisms present in the water, including harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites are effectively eliminated. The Kits are designated for the preparation of microbially safe water in cases of emergency when there is no water source of safe quality available.
The treatment by AQUASTERIL® does not change chemical and sensoric properties of the water. Thus, it is advisable to select the clearest water from the available sources for the process.
The water treated by AQUASTERIL® is microbially safe and can be used for general purposes as well as for drinking, depending on sensoric and chemical characteristics of the initial water sources.
If only agent A is added to the source water, then the resulting water is protected against secondary contamination. If the water is closed in a bottle/container, it can be stored for about six months, without any deterioration of its quality. After the application of agent B, the water is ready to be consumed and hence should be protected by storage in a suitable closed container and should be consumed within two days.
AQUASTERIL® Kits can find their application in tourism, expeditions and in a number of areas with scarce sources of microbially safe water, i.e. in various climatic regions.
The chemical agent B should be protected against direct sunlight.
Eyes and muscous membranes have to be protected against irritation by agent A. In the instance of this, the affected places should be flushed with large quantity of water or by a diluted agent B. In more serious cases consult the physician.
Water treatment means are manufactured and supplied by:
P.O.BOX 236, Krocínovská 8, 160 41 Prague 6, Czech Republic Tel: (++420) 2 2431 1461, Fax: (++420) 2 3332 5493 E-mail: aquaplus@ok.cz