I'm sorry under bad English
language used in this text.
English language I know very little - translation is effected by the help of PC
SRPEN 2000 / AUGUST 2000
First tourist, which yourself pay ten days' stay on Russian space station Mir, with
there fit out midway next year. After firm MirCorp, which begins interlock operation these
Russian station, will first passengers American Dennis Tito, former cosmic engineer from
California. Take st. for granted with, that next year with at the station alternate least
two dimerous crews compact of Russian cosmonaut. And about to second shift bring sometimes
summers at the station Tita and the with then returns down coeval with foreshift. Official
report nehovori thereof, how much tourist air ticket state, but already once with estimate
on twenty million dollars. Former short-term visitors Americans, Germans and Frenchs
astronaut on these station invoiced Russian my partner usually under halves these amount.
Lead society MirCorp at the same time nail down that with now Mir will use to commercial
object. Namely after lyric president firm Jeffrey Manber opens door to behaviour about
union with further persons concerned, so that will possible put together long-term
calendar tourist campaign. Manager firm Cirinejev Katurija reveal, that shall they least
six further peoples, who 'd air ticket pay. Germinal modulus station Mir let out Soviet
Union in spring 1986 and step by step to he join on further parts. On her board with under
here time alternate over hundred cosmonaut several country. Nevertheless her fadeaway
demand, to apply to maintenance her deck device more and more clock around, so that on
incident to research already nezbyvalo much time. In addition there reach the several
heavy accident, so that stay on ship with stood on one's behalf peoples hazardous. When
with at the beginning ninetieth years conclude Washington and Moscow on common
construction international space station ISS, supposed with, that as soon as her
construction opens, Russian Mir leave and destroy. However on one's behalf Kremlin stays
Mir all the time symbol one-time size USSR-Rusii, hence with strive liquidation station
below different pretext dilatory. At the same time however hasn't money and evidently nor
industrial production capacity thereon, to there proved transmit further crew and keep her
in operation. In the end state firm Energija, which Mir operate, establish early in this
year's year international society MirCorp. The 'd she should have dispose request western
millionaire about their short-term stay in space also order commercial firm on sundry
expenses research and production on ship Mir. Estimate with, that yearly operation these
station yourself solicit 100 as far as 200 million dollars.