I'm sorry under bad English
language used in this text.
English language I know very little - translation is effected by the help of PC
ZÁŘÍ 2000 / SEPTEMBER 2000
394. - Richard Mastracchio (Atlantis STS-106 - 8. September 2000)
395. - Daniel Burbank (Atlantis STS-106 - 8. September 2000)
396. - Boris Morukov (Atlantis STS-106 - 8. September 2000)
397. - Pamela Maleroy (DiscoverySTS-92-5.října 2000)
398. - Mars Polansky (Atlantis STS-98 - 18. January 2001)
399. - James Kelly (Discovery STS-102 - 26. February 2001)
400. - Paul Richards (Discovery STS-102 - 26. February 2001)
Astronaut number 400 can be also James Kelly - in case, he
should reach the delay start STS-102 and outran him Russian ship Sojuz with couple Russian
cosmonauts along with first space "tourist" Denisem Tito, which 'd with so got
on place 399. space-man world.
It is indeed unlikely, so with imaginary tag with numbers "400" will proud of
Paul William Richards, native of America's state Pennsylvanie.