I'm sorry under bad English language used in this text.
English language I know very little - translation is effected by the help of PC translator.

ZÁŘÍ 2000 / SEPTEMBER 2000


International syndicate MirCorp notify, that in Russian space station Mir flew out of before now announcement Denis Tito further "cosmic tourist". His name however at present isn't known and will with give birth to under exceedingly interesting circumstance: Will that is about winner broadcast contests Survivor-2 ("the, who survival").
Original match Survivor is thereof, that group choice volunteer is unhung on "desolate" island, where's every their movement following TV cameras. Viewers then every week collective voting tell, who will from further participation in games eliminated - and the last participant, which remainder, is winner (and gains premium aloft million dollars). In frames contests Survivor-2 (law for her buy already 16 TV companys) with working title "Destination Mir" will indeed imposition proceed somewhat other method - two teams doctors and next specialists weekly set aside one's candidate from preparation in Star Town near Moscow. Winner 'd with then had give over on station Mir. Follow-up tilt for the present wasn't publication


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