The lighting was a very important part of the baroque performances. Scenery lighting in the castle theatre was carried out by the use of the candles and small oil or tallow lamps. These were situated on a ramp and among side scenes above all. In larger theatres we can find them in or over the portal and among suffitas sometimes too. The lighting had relatively low illumination level and was staggered; it was the important part of creating perspective effect and general effect of a performance. In nowadays high-powered front illumination constituent part of intended visual effect can't be applied.

The moving lighting ramp and the illuminate brackets for lighting of side scenery have been preserved in the castle theatre in Litomyšl. The auditorium, within preserved candlestick on the pillars among the boxes, was illumined by lamps or candles situated in niches on the walls. The original candlesticks have been electrified in the auditorium.

Nowadays electric illumination dates back to repairs in fifties and seventies the 20th century. Mainly the fluorescent lighting, which illuminate the staircases to boxes, is very unfitting. The reconstruction of wiring and setting aside the original lighting conditions should be one of the main event of intended works in the castle theatre.

The view of the nowadays lighting brackets among the side scenes (jb) The mechanism for hauling down of the lighting bar (jb)

The lighting bar is situated in a front part of the stage. It's a board astride the promptbox, where nowadays we can find by the three bulbs; (in these both boards) there are periodic situated orifices, which were done for gripping lamps or candles (according the literature originally there were sheet metal dish-shaped lamps with oil). This lighting bar could be lowered underneath the stage, thus dimming or lightening the front part of the stage. It is possible because of turning shafts by handle with help of transmission of the chain, which was fixed onto the frame of the bar. This bar is moved in vertical lines, which are very similar to runners of the sliding scene frames. At the present time the insensate wiring, which fixes onto the bar with inclusive construction, intercepts of moving lighting bar.

The brackets for the lamps standing behind the each side scene ensured side lighting; these brackets look like the board with a “stand” underneath and with a tang upwards. Today the brackets are stored under the stage, where they were placed around the first half of the 20th century. At the present time the metal bracket with a bulb illuminates the side scenes.

The original lighting bracket installed between the side scenes (jb) The detail of the original bracket with wiring loops for holding lamps (jb)

The tang of the original bracket rotated onto hook nails, which are fixed onto the beam of the ceiling's construction among the scenes; the stage was dimming or brightening because of rotating brackets around their axis. There are partly preserved wire loops for the lamps on the brackets (duodenary on the bracket).

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