Water Treatment Means for Emergency Supplies
AQUASAFE Water Treatment Units are designed to prepare clean and microbiologically safe water under emergency conditions, i.e. in cases when no source of hygienically safe water is available or in case the exiting source of drinking water is deteriorated.
Use of AQUASAFE Water Treatment Units:
AQUASAFE Water treatment units are suitable for preparation of safe water in one to several m3 of volume. The AQUASAFE Units find their application at places of temporary concentration of people (temporary camping facilities, regular camps, etc.) where there are no sources of safe water in disposal.
The AQUASAFE Water Treatment Technology:
The process of water treatment in AQUASAFE Units is based on separation of mechanical impurities, organic substances, including oil products, utilising a filter with subsequent disinfection by AQUASTERIL®, with the action of a disinfecting agent (active chlorine-based) and subsequent dechlorination of the product water (vitamin-based agent).
Technical specification of AQUASAFE Water Treatment Units: Generally the AQUASAFE Units are supplied in Type Series of max. 2 m3/hour, 4 m3/hour and 8m3/hour, and larger output volumes can be delivered upon request. An electrical power source of 3x400V is required to operate the AQUASAFE Units. These are supplied with a tent and basic chemicals, sufficient for 100 hour operation. Schematic drawing and technical data of AQUASAFE Units can be found on next page.
Water treatment means are manufactured and supplied by:
P.O.BOX 236, Krocínovská 8, 160 41 Prague 6, Czech Republic Tel: (++420) 2 2431 1461, Fax: (++420) 2 3332 5493 E-mail: aquaplus@ok.cz