July 11 2006
Today is Richie's 47th birthday !
The band finished the european part of the tour and yesterday started the second american part. Most of the european concerts were sold out. Dublin, 2x Milton Keynes and Stuttgart were among the best concerts.
The third version of a video was released for the Who Says You Can't Go Home single.
Two members divorced during last few months. David and Richie.
To the Links section were added two links. The official tour web and the online shop for Tico's Rock Star Baby products.
September 28 2005
The new album called Have a Nice Day was released on September 19.
The U.S. part of the tour starts right this autumn and the European part will start in the spring 2006. Check out the official site for the tourdates and details.
You can help to spread the "Jovi" word by downloading the Joe V. smirk at
December 12 2004
The box set is out with a title "100 000 000 Bon Jovi fans can't be wrong". You can find the lyrics to the songs on this website. We also recommand to read carefully the booklet, some of the fan stories are really interesting :-)
The new album is ready and it'll be released in march. Jon said that it's gonna be a real rock blast.
July 25 2004
Jon is supporting a presidential candidate John Kerry in his campaign.
April 4 2004
Among Alec's photos in the gallery you can find an interesting private photo of Alec not long after leaving the band.
A new Bongiovi clan member was born on March 29. It's a boy, his name is Romeo Jon, he and mother Dorothea are healthy and O.K.
February 7 2004
Bon Jovi have reached one hundred million sold records these days !
On January 9. 2004 Hector Alexander Torres was born in Florida. Mother Alejandra and son are both O.K. and father Tico is the proudest dad in the world. They decided to call the little one Tico junior.
Bon Jovi have a Grammy nomination for Misunderstood. Cross your fingers for them.
The top actual news about the band can always be found on the message board, before we have a time to update the site.
December 21 2003

To all Jovi fanatics a very Merry Christmas from our team.
October 4 2003
Release date of the acoustic album is November 4.
As you can see, the title has changed.
July 22 2003
The long expected acoustic album will be released in late October, there will be 15 tracks and the title is Strum As You Are.
June 1 2003
Fresh concert reviews here!
March 9 2003
On the 2.7. the band recorded a new video to the new single All About Loving You in N.Y.
During the show on Jon's birthday the boys brought a big cake to the stage and a model dressed like Marylin Monroe jumped out of it.
A sad news to the fans is that David's father died last week in the age of 70. Fans all over the world sent condolences to the family.
January 16 2003
BJ were nominated for Grammy Awards in the Best performance by a band or a duo categorie. Cross your fingers for them.
November 2 2002
On monday October 26 the band recoreded a video to the new single.
The single will come out on November 18.
On November 9. the band will be as guests on german TV ZDF at 20:15 in program called Wetten Das.
On November 14. the band will be performing at MTV Europe Awards in Barcelona.
October 6 2002
The new single from Bounce will be Misunderstood.
September 23 2002
Hi, I gotta tell you this.Few days ago I got a horrible flue, I spend my days in bed and feeling like a sqeezed lemon. Today a door bell woke me up, there was my old friend coming to see how am I doing. I told him I feel horrible and he smiled and said :"after this you're gonna feel much better, I brought you some bad medicine " and gave me... guess what ? BOUNCE !!!! I thought I'm dreaming. I've just took it out of my CD player.
Those who read my opinions on the board know, that I'm a cruel critic. So when I say something is good, it has to be supergood.Alright, Bounce is super perfect da bomb good. It has everything that hooked me when I first heared Bon Jovi : energy, rocks, humor, rock guitars, magic keyboards, hard rock drumms and great singing. I thought Bon Jovi had already lost their BJ rock sound years ago, but I gotta tell you they're back and strong as never before. I totally didn't expect this, I thought that Bounce is gonna be just another version of fashion Crush, but this is beyond my biggest dreams. I love Bounce, I adore Bounce, no no no.. I praise Bounce !!!! It's so much like Slippery, which was the album that got me to BJ.
My most favorite songs are : Undivided,Everyday, Hook Me Up, Bounce. You know, I'm not a love song fan, but when it comes to BJ, it's different, love songs are part of their music. And love songs on Bounce are just great.
Bounce is just Slippery for 2002. I guess BJ are gonna be as big as in the 80's now, this album's gonna get them twice as much fans.
P.S.It has healing power, after listening to it, my illnes is gone, I'm healthy now. My friend brought me perfect medicine, great drug, Bounce is getting me sooooo high.
Warning, Bounce is addictive!!!!
August 15 2002
Here are the songs for the new album:
3.The Distance
6.All About Loving You
7.Hook Me Up
8.Right Side Of Wrong
9.Love Me Back To Life
10.You Had Me From Hello
12.Open All Night
July 31 2002
Well, it's OFFICIAL. BOUNCE will be the title for the forthcoming BON JOVI album.
BOUNCE will be released on September 11 in JAPAN.
BOUNCE will be released on September 23 INTERNATIONALLY.
BOUNCE will be released on October 8th in the USA.
The first single will be the song EVERYDAY. Some lucky fans in Germany may have heard a small snippet of the song used in a ZDF television commercial promoting boxing on that TV network. You'll hear it on radio in about three weeks internationally... and a few weeks after that in the US.
The VIDEO has been shot.
It was filmed out in Socorro, New Mexico (USA) on Sunday, JULY 7th at the VERY LARGE ARRAY (VLA)...
Richie did celebrate his birthday on July 11th.... the band was working on photoshoots for the album artwork.
Richie was surprised with a big birthday cake on the set of the photoshoot!
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