Research and development efforts of AQUA PLUS specialists are based on the assumption that the water treatment systems should be as simple as possible, sufficiently effective and not requiring any decision making on the part of the user (i.e., universal). To keep the exposure time within reasonable limits (dozens of minutes to one hour) the concentration level of the active disinfecting substance has to be increased. It does not apply to iodine based agents, the daily recommended concentration of which, according to health standards, should not exceed maximum of 5,000 µg for adult persons (with exception of pregnant women, people with allergic reaction to iodine and thyroid gland disease, for which the consumption of iodine should be more strictly regulated). Daily disinfection doses for common iodine agents reach over 50,000 µg of iodine, and cannot be increased.
With chlorine agents (active chlorine being the effective substance, or hypochlorite ions respectively) the situation is different as the hypochlorite ions are reduced to chlorides, consumed on daily basis in gramme quantities (e.g., sodium chloride in kitchen salt). The lowest, safe dose of active chlorine, when any negative effect of water characteristics can be disregarded, is higher than 30-40 ppm of chlorine per litre of water of unknown quality. After the disinfection process is terminated, dozens of milligrams of active chlorine are left in the product water, thus preventing drinking of such water for organoleptic reasons (taste, odour). Research and development efforts have resulted in technological principles, implementing chlorination of inlet water, using concentrations of 40 ppm of active chlorine and subsequent dechlorination, ensuring the conversion of all unreacted chlorine to harmless chlorides.
Basically, mixtures of organic acids with reducing effect (e.g., vitamins) or sorption materials also capable of the above mentioned conversion to chlorides are utilised in AQUA PLUS systems. Chlorine derivatives of isocyanuric acid are used as chlorinating agents, with relatively good availability and with high active chlorine content. Recently, these agents have been frequently used and their application under emergency conditions recommended by the Drinking Water Inspectorate in London, in the UK.
AQUASTERIL® System ensures water disinfection, leaving other, sensoric and chemical properties untouched. Microbial and biological growth is eliminated by AQUASTERIL® and their is no danger of health hazards related to consumption of such water.
AQUASTERIL® disinfection principle includes chlorination of water, minimum exposure time and subsequent dechlorination. Water is chlorinated by isocyanuric acid chlorine derivatives, with active chlorine dose of 40-50 ppm and dechlorination using vitamins. AQUA PLUS manufactures water treatment kits, differing in the minimum amount of water to be treated, with prepacked doses in the treatment kit. The following kits are available:
For larger volumes of water supply of chemical agents can be arranged, in larger packings, as per customer requirements. Similar deliveries were secured for single or multiple treatment of 5 m3 (Armenia) and 10 m3 (Jordan).
CLEANSTERIL System utilises disinfection of water (including dechlorination), mechanical treatment of water and partial adjustment of sensoric properties (turbidity, odour, taste, colour, content of organic substances). Principle of CLEANSTERIL technology involves addition of chlorine agent (chlorine derivatives of isocyanuric acid, active chlorine concentration of 30-50 ppm), exposure period and application of reducing sorbent with pre-mixed flocculating agent. Powder sorbent converts active chlorine to chlorides and flocs of sorbent are formed thanks to the flocculating agent. The flocs settle down and clarify the water.
CLEANSTERIL System can be applied to a variety of water volumes. Doses have been prepared for the purpose of this demonstration of a portable water treatment unit, nevertheless major applications are anticipated for treatment of larger water volumes, hundreds or thousands of litres. On the other hand, proper doses can be applied using calibrated dosing tools (spoons, fixed-volume calibrated vessels, etc.). Dechlorination capacity of sorption material is very high and can be adjusted according to content of mechanical impurities and viewed upon as advantageous. Conical shape of clarification reaction vessel is required to enhance the formation of flocs by a circular motion and thus ensure flocculation and subsequent sedimentation. Possible remaining flocs, which had not sedimented can be removed by cloth filtration
Conservation of Water Both above described systems have an additional usage in a long-term conservation of water. Until dechlorination agent is added to chlorinated water, the water is protected against bacterial growth and secondary bacterial contamination, preventing deterioration of water quality. Advantage is seen in the application of chlorine agent to a large volume of water. The consumer then dechlorinates only the required volume of water and the remaining volume is therefore conserved in the long run. This procedure is ideal for treatment of water in areas with rain seasons, where the accumulated water can be preserved and consumed during dry periods.