Basic information about us
Name of Company: AQUA PLUS, Ltd.
Type of Company: Company Limited
Year of Foundation: 1992
Basic Capital: 500,000 Czech Crowns
Company Management:
Ing. Jan Biheller,Co-owner, Company Executive and Managing Director Ing. Ivan Labohý, Co-owner
Number of Employees: 10
Capital Share: LIMEK APG Inc.
Membership in Non-profit Organisations: ČASAB Major Imports from: USA, France, Austria, Germany
Major Exports: Africa, Asia, Sweden
Seat of Business: Krocínovská 8, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Main Activities:
design of water treatment technologies and construction manufacture installation and servicing of water treatment equipment
quality control of water and soil (chemical, physical-chemical and microbiological analysis of water, analysis of oil substances)
research and development of disposal technologies (water, sludge, soil)
production and distribution of means for emergency water supplies, personal and field water treatment
Contact Addresses:
AQUA PLUS s.r.o. P.O.BOX 236, Krocínovská 8, 160 41 Prague 6, Czech Republic Tel: (++420) 2 2431 1461, Fax: (++420) 2 3332 5493 E-mail: aquaplus@ok.cz